Dear teachers and judges: I am very glad to say something here. At this time, I'd like to talk about my hobbies.

I have quite a lot of interests, and the most important one of them is playing the piano. After finishing all my chores, I will play the piano to relax myself or to kill the time. Once in a while, I play some tunes for my family, just like a recital. Playing the piano has become parts of my life, one thing that I have to do everyday.

In the beginning, I had no more than a nod acquaintance with piano. Definitely, I encountered many difficulties. Even worse, those difficulties made me feel sick of piano. I almost gave up at that time. Once, as I remembered, I just started to learn a new tune and I played it awfully. When I practiced that tune as usual at home, my neighbor came and complained about the “noise” that I made. I felt so depressed about it. I never thought that my play would be taken as “noise” although I knew I didn’t play it well. It’s quite a shock for me. I was so angry that no matter how I practiced, I just couldn’t play it fluently. At that moment, I almost admitted that I could never play piano well. Nevertheless, my dad and my mom didn’t think so. They encouraged me patiently and accompany me through the time. They always praised me even I made some “noise” again. Besides the encouragement of my parents, my childish fantasy was another motivation that helps me get through all the difficulties. I think that people who can play piano well are like angels. When they are playing the piano, there will be light sparkling around them. I practiced day by day and finally, I did improve. I didn’t make “noise” any more. Even more, I joined the joint performance concert hold by my piano teacher. All the audiences were bathed in the graceful sound of music, including myself. I could hear the sound that flew through my finger tips. That’s the most wonderful and happiest experience for me.

       I think that having a hobby in your life is essential. It will be a backbone when you meet some obstacles in your life. You must know what it feels like to love something passionately then you will achieve things with those passions. I don’t believe that people who don’t have a hobby can devote themselves in anything if they’ve never been into something and pay efforts for it. Since I have learned how to play the piano, my life is filled with the beauty of music. Playing the piano is more than knowing how to play this instrument for me; it also helps me to be patient in learning things and it’s a way to relax myself. Therefore, I will keep playing until the day that I couldn’t move my fingers.



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