My Hobby  Danny

Good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen, Judges and dear friends. My name is Danny and I am number        . Today, I am here to share with you about my hobby.


        Talking about my hobby, I hope you don’t laugh your heads off after you know it. It’s very different from others’. It’s kind of weird and when you are doing it, you need to be very cautious. Maybe you’re thinking: “What! Is this a riddle?” Okay, it’s not but I do want you to guess. I can give you one more hint – You have to extinguish things. (Pretend that you’re listening to the answer from the audience). Killing bugs? Extinguish fires? NO! NO! NO! I’m not that violent or powerful and I think those things we should leave them to the professionals. The answer is – cleaning the dust. Yes, you hear it right. I know it sounds quite strange and silly but after I tell you the pleasure of it. You may love it as well.


        Now, I assume that you are interested in the reason why I like to clean the dust. Why not brushing the toilet or scrubbing the dirty dishes? Actually, I don’t know myself. I just love to do that. I wonder that maybe I was a duster or a vacuum cleaner in the former life. It’s been my calling. So just let me tell you some of the advantages of my odd hobby, like a cleaning dust priest. Think about it, having fun and being clean at the same time, what’s better than this, right?  Besides, your mom will love you more for that. It’s good for your health and you can help your mom with the housework. You will always look as “White” as an angel. Can you think about any hobby that can bring you so much at the same time? For me, I can’t.


        As I mention before, I get a lot of pleasure when I’m cleaning the dust. I can tell you some. First of all, you can develop your imagination. How come? When I am cleaning something that covered with thick dust, I will start to think why it gets so dirty and how long it has been forgotten at the corner in the basement or why I buy this and rarely use it. Things that cover with thick dust are like a beginning of my imagination. How does the dust come in and stick on it? And it’s interesting that you can always find something that you have forgotten for a long time somewhere in your house and I guarantee that it must be full of dust.


        Second, you will find a sense of achievement when you turn things from gray to white. Sometimes it’s hard to clean the dust that is in the depth of the shelf or in your air conditioner. Then you have to find someway or even create some tools to clean it. You will sweat like a dog but you can surely see the result. Your house will look brand new and all the things will shine without the dust. Can you picture that? How cozy and how clean your house is.


        I think after my speech, you must want to rush back home and start to enjoy yourself in cleaning the dust. Don’t hesitate, just join me and let’s make everything clean and shinning. Thanks for your listening.



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